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About Us

SHIV SPORTS. is one of the world’s leading Manufacturers and Exporters of Sports Goods and Equipment based in Meerut, 60 km from Delhi (India). Our professional and quality-conscious approach to the business has made us a reliable and renowned name in the overseas market.

Also, our competitive rates and the well-organized system have added much to the marketability of our products.

Defining exemplary quality and innovation in its designs, all the company’s products are manufactured In-House to deliver the Worlds Best Sports Goods and Equipment for the Sports Lovers across the globe.

Established in the year 2014, we have a very strong Brand Image and Dealer Network Throughout the country and many National & International Players and Coaches have been using our products.

SC manufactures to the very highest standard combining technology insight knowledge and tradition. We hope to lead the market at all levels of the game from the playground to the test arena.

SC use the best quality material with eye-catching styling and aesthetics, we excel in providing you the best value for money..

We're comitted for

We create and let you create too. Our product are unique and different. We aim at taking creativity to a next level. Our department of creativity takes into consideration the colour scheme, design size, purpose of the merchandize etc before proposing our product to the clients.
We are original and 100% trustworthy. You will boast about our fine sense of depicting moods, thoughts and company’s profiles on our merchandize.
We continuously strive to give our clients perfect product followed by complete satisfaction. You won’t complain about the quality of our products.

Our Vision

What our customers say…

Customer 2
Customer Alice

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget sapien diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Ian Doe

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